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Good Morning!

With this, we, the MGEI SRPC 2022 committee, congratulate you for Your Abstract Passing to Final, so that you are entitled to appear at the MGEI 14th Annual Convention on December 6 - 7 2022.

Our assessment is based on originality, new concepts/ideas, analytical methods, and how this research can be useful for the world of economic geology.

Here are the names of participants who passed the 2022 MGEI SRPC abstract:
1.    Abigael P., “Log Density Analysis of Ash Content and Total Moisture in Coal Coil Supported by X-Ray Diffraction Analysis at PT. X”, Advisory by Candra setiawan S.T
2.    Abizar R., “The Geochemistry of Cretaceous Ultamafic and Its Implication to Tectonic Evolution as A Potential Presence of Laterite at The Central Ophiolite Belt (COB), Puncak, Papua.”, Advisory by Hari Wiki Utama
3.    Alifya AD., “Re-evaluating the Ex-Colonial Gold Mining: Study of Gold Mineralization Potential in Lebong Tandai, North Bengkulu, Indonesia”, Advisory by Twin Hosea Widodo Kristyanto, M. T.
4.    Anne S., “The Exploration Concept of Siliceous Rock in Kolonodale as The Raw Material for Battery to Support Green Energy Transition”, Advisory by Angga Jati Widiatama S.T., M.T. 
5.    Fasya ZFR., “The Correlation between Degree of Lateritization with Ni-Fe-Co Enrichment in Harzburgite Rocks in Sebuku Island, South Kalimantan”, Advisory by Ernowo Andhi Cahyadi 
6.    Ganjar N., “Mineralization and Fluid Inclusion Characteristics of the Tanoyan Low-Sulfidation Epithermal System in Bolaang Mongondow Regency, North Sulawesi, Indonesia”, Advisory by Dr.rer.nat. Arifudin Idrus, S.T., M.T., IPU
7.    Hariro Z., “Mineralogy and Provenance of Ti-V Bearing Iron Sand Deposits from Cipatujah and Cikalong, Tasikmalaya, West Java”,    Advisory by Dr.rer.nat. Ir. Arifudin Idrus, S.T., M.T., IPU.
8.    Jekson M., “Drillhole Spacing Analysis : A Review Of Grade Control Model In Seruyung Open Pit”, Advisory by Ikrar Teguh Mandiri
9.    Karina A., “The Analysis of Enrichment and Economic Feasibility of Rare Earth Elements in Rock and Soil Samples in Badau District, Belitung Regency, Bangka Belitung Province”, Advisory by Dr. I Gusti Bagus Eddy Sucipta, S.T, M.T.
10.    Lismadhana I., Mineralogy, Lithogeochemistry, and Hydrothermal Fluid Characteristics of the Mekarbakti Low Sulphidation Epithermal Gold Prospect at Garut Regency, West Java, Indonesia”, Advisory by Dr.rer.nat. Ir. Arifudin Idrs, S.T., M.T., IPU., Ir. Anastasia Dewi Titisati., M.T., Ph.D., IPU., and Dr.Eng. Iwan Setiawan., S.T., M.T. 
11.    M. Risyad R., “Structural Controls on Hydrothermal Alteration and Vein Orientation in Cijiwa Ephitermal AU-AG Pospect, Sukabumi Regency, West Java Province”, Advisory by Dian Yesy Fatimah, S.T., M.Eng.
12.    M. Kivlan MDP., “Alluvial Clay Deposits Characteristics and Its Implication to Rare Earth Elements (REE) Enrichment at Air Biat, West Bangka: New Insight for REE Exploration in Indonesia”, Advisory by Ir. Nurcahyo Indro Basuki, M.T. Ph.D. and Ryan Aji Frans Jaya, S.T.
13.    M. Rayhan AS., “Field Investigation on The Evidence of High Sulfidation Epithermal System in The Active Bromo Tengger Caldera Complex, East Java, Indonesia”, Advisory by Dr. Eng. Ir. Lucas Donny Setijadji, S.T., M.Sc., IPU 
14.    M. Haekal AJ., “Application of ASTER Satellite Imagery for Detecting Clay and Quartz Alteration in 1:1500 Scale at Vegetated Area Using Combination of Defoliant Technique Method and Field Validation: A Case Study at Cupunagara, Subang, West Java Province”, Advisory by Nurcahyo Indro Basuki
15.    Oan MLA., “Porphyry to Epithermal Transition (HSE-ISE) at PULE (Cu-Au) Deposit, Trenggalek District East Java: Geology, Alteration, Mineralization, and Implication for Target Exploration”, Advisory by Raden Aditya Manggala Yudha S.T and Radhitya Adzan Hidayah S.T., M.Eng 

The next stage is prepare your poster, presentation with 14th Annual MGEI tempelate, publication approval, identity card of representative presenter, and vaccine certificate Covid-19 of representative presenter, then submit them to SRPC 2022 Finalist Registration Form below


Also prepare yourself to appear at the MGEI 14th Annual Convention in Banyuwangi on December 6 - 7 2022. Regarding accommodation and transportation, MGEI only covers one presenter per team. Therefore, please fill needs for your journey in SRPC 2022 Finalist Registration Form. Do not forget to collect your hard copy full posters. (laminated and brought by each participant on 5 Dec 2022)

Thus we submit this announcement. Congratulations once again on the success. We look forward to your participation in the MGEI 14th Annual Convention. 

Thank you

Warm regards,


MGEI SRPC 2022 Comittee
14th Annual MGEI Convention.


Contact Person

Thomas Ardhito        
+62 821-1820-1208

Syilvia Manurung
+62 821-6831-4758

About Us

Forum of Indonesian geologists in the field of economic geology and mineral resource development, to achieve increased professionalism and be able to compete at the international level, who play an active role in the development and utilization of mineral resources in Indonesia

MGEI Secretariat

SOHO Pancoran Tower Splendor Lt.18 Unit 1817
Jl. Letjend. MT. Haryono, Jakarta Selatan
Phone: +62 812-1040-5178
Email: sekretariatmgei@gmail.com