Enhance your skill and elevate your expertise by joining our Geostatistics course by Wesly Randa!
[The 15th MGEI Annual Convention 2023]
"Enhance your skill and elevate your expertise by joining our Geostatistics course by Wesly Randa! ⛏️"
Introducing the "Introduction to Multivariate Geostatistics & Assessing DHSA Techniques" workshop, designed exclusively for Geologists and Engineers eager to elevate their knowledge in Advanced In-Situ Resource Insights and Geostatistical Drilling Spacing Analysis.
Date: December 3-4, 2023
Venue: Merumatta Hotel, Senggigi, Lombok
Wesly Randa, a mentor and peer reviewer in resource estimation and geostatistics, will guide you through:
✨ Multivariate Resource Estimation
✨ DHSA Methods for Drill Hole Spacing
✨ Real-World Case Studies
✨ And much more!
Get a hands-on practice using Isatis.neo software-licenses supported by @geovariances (as Workshop Sponsor)
Secure your spot today:
Workshop Price: Rp 6,500,000
Early Bird Discounts:
15% off for MGEI Members
10% off for Non-MGEI Members
(valid until November 13, 2023)
Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your skills.Secure your spot now!