MGEI Research Funding Program 2024
Advancing Applied Sciences
MGEI has established the Research Funding Program (MGEI Fund) to support a variety of types of research projects related to economic geology. The grants are for six months and range from IDR 10,000,000 to IDR 20,000,000. Undergraduate student, fresh graduate, and student research group are eligible and encouraged to apply.
Not only does research play a significant role in advancing science, but it is also essential in expanding our understanding of the world and finding solutions to global issues. The created knowledge drives scientific and technological progress and spills over to the broader economy and society.
The two most important components of any research project are idea and execution. The successful execution of the research project depends not only on the effort of the researcher but also on available financial support. This financial support enables researchers to push boundaries, facilitating access to cutting-edge technologies, specialized equipment, and expert collaborations. Unfortunately, it is common in Indonesia to see potentially valuable research initiatives languishing due to a lack of adequate resources and insufficient funding.
We, MGEI, are committed to invest in young generation through the MGEI Fund. By implementing this program, we may be able to lift Indonesia more competitively alongside other resource-rich nations like China and Australia.
People's Thoughts on MGEI Fund
"A brilliant idea that has produced solid evidence of MGEI-IAGI's efforts in providing support for improving the quality of scientific paper in the world of economic geology in Indonesia which will ultimately contribute to progress and further emphasize the important role of geoscience and technology in the country's mining industry. Moving forward, support and cooperation from related parties, especially the industry is highly expected." - STJ Budi Santoso (IAGI Chairman)
"MGEI fund serves as a vital platform for nurturing research skills and problem-solving capabilities among participants." - Andyono Broto Santoso (MGEI Chairman)
"A fantastic initiative and deserves further industry support, and to encourage creative proposals." - Ian Wollff (Independent Consultant)
"Beyond the acquisition of a research fund, MGEI Fund 2023 has served as a bridge to new connections, providing us with broader and deeper insights." - Melly Widyarti (MGEI Fund 2023 Grantee)
"After securing the MGEI fund 2023, I went to Japan to spend two months there conducting mineral chemical analysis using SEM-EDS and EPMA. It was a great experience." - Mifthahul Abrar (MGEI Fund 2023 Grantee)
"After receiving the MGEI fund 2023, our story transformed from being clueless to winning big." - Hendryagung Fuady Handaka (MGEI Fund 2023 Grantee)
Application Guidelines
Applicants need to complete application consisting of background of applicant, project title, objectives, abstract, timeline, and budget for the proposed research. Please note that all applications will be reviewed by our review panel, so please provide informative and clear explanation. Grants will be given after the applicants have passed the final selection. Every expense must be noted with clear receipt.
Grants can be used for:
- Laboratory analysis expenses
- Field expenses, including living expenses during field activity in research area
- Travel expenses to and from research area
- Travel expenses to a conference to present the research result
And grants may not be used for:
- Preparation of thesis (printing, copying, binding)
- Tuition or university administrative fee
- Purchase of field equipment, such as geology compass, hand lens, geology hammer etc.
- Purchase of computer equipment or software
Applicant must submit 1) Research Grant Application and 2) Supporting Statement in (pdf) by email to: and cc with the subject "MGEI Research Funding Program 2024". Note that the submission deadline is 25 August 2024.
(*) You can download the required forms here