

Micromine - Academic Lisence Scheme (ALS)

Micromine - Academic Lisence Scheme (ALS)

[Micromine - Academic Lisence Scheme (ALS)]

Academic License Scheme (ALS) program adalah program community social responsibility (CSR) kerjasama antara Micromine dan Masyarakat Geologi Ekonomi Indonesia (MGEI)…

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Forum of Indonesian geologists in the field of economic geology and mineral resource development, to achieve increased professionalism and be able to compete at the international level, who play an active role in the development and utilization of mineral resources in Indonesia

MGEI Secretariat

SOHO Pancoran Tower Splendor Lt.18 Unit 1817
Jl. Letjend. MT. Haryono, Jakarta Selatan
Phone: +62 812-1040-5178
Email: sekretariatmgei@gmail.com
Bank Mandiri: Ikatan Ahli Geologi Indonesia - MGEI
No Rekening : 103 00 1189 2466