[Update on MGEI Research Funding Program!]
We have an important update for all students, fresh graduates, and student research groups: the deadline for the MGEI Research ...
[Update on MGEI Research Funding Program!]
We have an important update for all students, fresh graduates, and student research groups: the deadline for the MGEI Research ...
[Connect with Seequent in Jakarta]
Discover the fresh insights and stay connected with professionals by joining the exclusive 3 days workshop and courses “Connect with Seequent ...
We are pleased to announce that MGEI is now accepting applications for the MGEI Research Funding Program 2024 Batch II. ...
[Logo Competition]
Hello MGEI-SC and SEG-SC student members, we invite you to showcase your talents and creativity in a logo design competition for our prestigious event ...
[MGEI Annual Convention 2024]
Hello MGEIers,
The MGEI Annual Convention, a leading exposition in Indonesia for the field of economic geology, a meeting where the broadest ...
Hello, GREAT Kawan Martabe!
With enthusiasm and pride, Agincourt Resources is once again presenting a grand stage for students immersed in the fields of Geology, Mining, ...
[The 15th MGEI Annual Convention 2023]
"Enhance your skill and elevate your expertise by joining our Geostatistics course by Wesly Randa! ⛏️"
Introducing ...
[The 15th MGEI Annual Convention 2023]
Embark on a meticulous exploration of coal ...
Hello MGEIrs!
After the success of MGEI ...
[The 15th MGEI Annual Convention 2023]
Embark on a comprehensive 4-day journey through the intricacies of mineral deposits, designed for geology enthusiasts eager to ...
[The 15th MGEI Annual Convention 2023]
ATTENTION Miners & Enthusiasts! Don't miss the golden opportunity to elevate your expertise.
Mine to Mill Grade ...
[The 15th MGEI Annual Convention 2023]
Unearth Best Practices with Our Geometallurgy Excellence Workshop!
Explore the finest practices in Geometallurgy through our workshop, ...
[The 15th Annual MGEI Convention 2023]
Master the Fundamentals of Mining Geostatistics and Build Your First Block Model! ???? Join us for a comprehensive ...
[The 15th MGEI Annual Convention 2023]
???? Elevate Your Expertise! Join Us for an In-Depth Exploration of Sampling Theory, QAQC, and Databases with René ...
The 15th MGEI Annual Convention 2023 Unveils a Spectacular Lineup of Events in Lombok
Senggigi Lombok, Indonesia - December 3-18, 2023
The Indonesian Society of Economic Geologists ...
OLYMPIAR 2022 is a competition event based on the Martabe Gold Mine process, ...
Since 2012, the Martabe Gold Mine has had a well–deserved reputation as an industry leader in ...
Mining Solutions Product Manager, M.G.E. Yavuz TÖRE / ...
To reflect the international diversification of GDE, it was during this time ...
Masmindo Peduli Pelestarian Pesisir Luwu, Lakukan Gerakan Penanaman Mangrove
Belopa – ...
[Welcoming Silver Sponsor 14th MGEI Annual Convention: PT. Nusa Halmahera Minerals]
We would like to express our gratitude towards our partners PT. Nusa Halmahera Minerals who ...
[Welcoming Gold Sponsor 14th MGEI Annual Convention: PT. Sumagud Sapta Sinar (Sumacorp)]
We would like to express our gratitude towards our partners PT. Sumagud Sapta Sinar ...
[Welcoming Platinum Sponsor 14th MGEI Annual Convention: PT Masmindo Dwi Area]
We would like to express our gratitude towards our partners PT Masmindo Dwi Area who ...
[Welcoming Platinum Sponsor 14th MGEI Annual Convention: PT. Minera Nusa Drillindo]
We would like to express our gratitude towards our partners PT. Minera Nusa Drillindo who ...
[Welcoming Platinum Sponsor 14th MGEI Annual Convention: PT. GeoFix Indonesia]
We would like to express our gratitude towards our partners PT. GeoFix Indonesia who has supported ...
[Welcoming Platinum Sponsor 14th MGEI Annual Convention: PT. Merdeka Copper Gold Tbk] We would like to express our gratitude towards our partners PT. Merdeka Copper Gold ...
Good Morning!
With this, we, the MGEI SRPC 2022 committee, congratulate you for Your Abstract Passing to Final, so that you are entitled to appear at ...
Segenap PPMGEI mengucapkan selamat Hari Pahlawan 10 November 2022.
"Bangsa yang besar adalah Bangsa yang menghormati jasa para pahlawannya" - Ir. Soekarno
Dear CPI IAGI Applicants,
Hereby, we would like to inform you that the Komite Implementasi Kode KCMI - CPI IAGI will hold the ...
Hello MGEIrs!
After announcing the astonishing MGEI Fieldtrips, we served you another exciting fieldtrip FIELDTRIP ONTO - PORPHYRY CU-AU AND HIGH SULPHIDATION EPITERMAL ...
Hello MGEIrs!
Another wonderful event as one of the series events in the MGEI Annual Convention, the Ijen-Tujuh Bukit-Pulau Merah Fieldtrip is also ...
Hello MGEIrs!
As one of our series of events, the Non-Geology Fieldtrip Ladies' Days Out is coming really soon this December!
This ...
Good day, MGEIers!
One of the series events of the iconic MGEI Annual Convention 2022 is officially announced!
Initiated with a pre-convention ...
Segenap PP MGEI Mengucapkan Selamat Hari Sumpah Pemuda!
Gagasan Elegan Revolusioner Menuju Indonesia Merdeka!
Hello, MGEIrs!
We would like to inform you that the Extended SRPC 2022 abstract submission already closed on October, 23rd!
Thank you ...
Good day, MGEIers!
One of the series events of the iconic MGEI Annual Convention 2022 is officially announced!
Initiated with a workshop ...
Hello, MGEIrs!
Deadline coming up!
We would like to inform you that we are closer to Extended SRPC ...
Good day, MGEIers!
One of the series events of the iconic MGEI Annual Convention 2022 is officially announced!
Initiated with a pre-convention ...
Hello, MGEIrs!
Our plane has landed to give good news for us that SRPC abstract submission deadline is extended until 23 October 2022.
Only ...
Good day, MGEIers!
Indonesian Society of Economic Geologists (Masyarakat Geologi Ekonomi Indonesia/MGEI) is pleased to inform you that our iconic 14th MGEI Annual ...
Deadline coming up!
We would like to inform you that 5 days left for SRPC 2022 abstract submission deadline.
Immediately register your ...
Segenap PP MGEI mengucapkan selamat memperingati Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW 1444 H bagi umat yang merayakan. Semoga kedamaian dan keberkahan selalu tercurahkan pada kita.
Deadline coming up!
We would like to inform you that 10 days left for SRPC 2022 abstract submission deadline.
Immediately register ...
Segenap PPMGEI mengucapkan selamat hari Kesaktian Pancasila 01 Oktober 2022
Pancasila ideologi bangsa, Pancasila Sakti
Segenap PP MGEI mengucapkan selamat hari jadi pertambangan dan energi ke-77. Semoga semangat pertambangan dan energi terus bertumbuh dan berkontribusi untuk Indonesia.
Energi ...
We would like to inform you that 20 days left for SRPC 2022 abstract submission deadline.
Immediately register your abstract and submit it via ...
Hello MGEIrs,
Finally, after two years online, our first offline event has arrived. Enrich your knowledge of basic geostatistics concepts, resource classification, and ...
"Geoscience & Technology-based Exploration to Mining: Promoting Value-added Creation and Contribution for Sustainable Development"
Student Research Poster Contest (SRPC) is coming back ...
27 August marks as our special day. Thanks a ton for making our 14th anniversary truly memorable. It would have been incomplete without your ...
This has been in the works for weeks and the launch date is finally here! We are so excited about this magazine and it ...
The great journey was begun and will remain so... is the spirit of our 14th.
We can't wait to see you on this ...
On this significant day, we celebrate our 14th MGEI Anniversary.
We want you to know that your support and trust have been the ...
Masyarakat Geologi Ekonomi Indonesia (MGEI) adalah organisasi professional geologi ekonomi yang menjadi tempat bertemunya ahli geologi dalam bidang pertambangan mineral dan batubara khusus geologi ekonomi ...
Masyarakat Geologi Ekonomi Indonesia (MGEI) memberikan piagam pengukuhan kepada Institut Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta (ITNY) untuk menjalankan sebagai Organisasi mahasiswa dengan tujuan meningkatkan pengetahuan ilmu mineral ...
Pada 19 – 28 Oktober 2020, Masyarakat Geologi Ekonomi Indonesia (MGEI) menggelar kegiatan tahunannya yang berjudul “12Th MGEI Annual Convention” secara virtual. Salah satu rangkaian ...
Logam tanah jarang (LTJ) alias rare earth element (REE) bakal diatur dalam Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) sebagai aturan turunan dari Undang-Undang Mineral dan Batubara (UU Minerba). ...